Now we have come to the Fourth Character that the Fool meets on Her Journey. ย The Emperor. ย The Emperor often appears as a patriarchal figure on our path. ย Whereas the Empress is very warm and caring, the Emperor presents himself as somewhat rigid in his ways.

The role of the Emperor is to provide structure and stability, and often that implies having rules and boundaries set in place. ย The Emperor is powerful and maintains control, managing the day to day affairs and establishing order. ย 

It can be difficult to accept the rules of the Emperor, but as we mature we understand that we cannot thrive in an environment of chaos or uncertainty. ย We need law and order, and we need a firm hand to guide us. ย 

The Emperor is the Father Figure of the Tarot. ย While the Empress loves to nurture and create beauty in a spontaneous way, the Emperor establishes the safety of routine. ย 

Both the High Priestess and the Empress are able to suspend logic in order to follow intuition. ย In contrast, the Emperor is all about logic and rational thinking.

Each character that we encounter adds to the tapestry of our journey, and we keep the attributes of each as we go along, accumulating a more dynamic personality. ย We can call on any of these characters as we go along. ย 

Stay tuned as our quest continues... The next character we will meet is THE HEIROPHANT.....