We are on our 15th card of the Major Arcana ~ THE DEVIL ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™ˆ. ย The DEVIL creeps in right after Temperence, when we have found a zen and peaceful state of mind. ย Maybe we let our guard down, and were too blissful, and forgot about the world in which we live.

As we remember from the famous movie, "The Usual Suspects", a quote, ย โ€œThe greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't existโ€.

The Devil card acts as a reminder not to live with our head in the clouds. ย There are invisible entities and energies that can't be seen, but that are all around.

The Good news is, as Human Beings, we are always connected to the Light, and the Light can dispel any darkness. ย The only way negative entities can attach to us, is if they go undetected. ย 

The DEVIL could show up in the form of dark thoughts or heavy moods. ย He could show up in the form of addictions, or unhealthy attachments to material things, or toxic relationships. ย 

Whenever there is dark energy happening, we naturally assume it is some part of us, but the truth is, it's not. It's an entity, (also known as negative energy). ย And with awareness that these entities exist, we can command all negative energy to leave us.

It's good to be aware that we always have the power to dispel darkness. ย There is nothing to be afraid of, because evil can never overpower Good. ย Unless it goes undetected, then it is able to get ahold of someone. ย 

With just one more of the scary tarot cards left, THE TOWER, we are making our way towards the completion of the Hero's journey, resulting in a new perspective.