We have escaped the Devil (hopefully), but now we have come to THE TOWER card....Noooo!! This is another card that most people are not happy to see!
The Tower card has no central figure, unlike most of the cards, and represents higher forces that are unseen.
THE TOWER is stuck by lightning, flaming and burning, while it's inhabitants jump from the windows..
It's one of those moments in life where something truly unexpected and life shattering happens to us. It's nothing we could possibly have planned for, but BOOM! All of a sudden, we are thrust into a seeming crisis.
It could be a betrayal, it could be a death, a diagnosis, something that shakes the Fool to her core!
During a Tower card moment, we can become dysregulated, feeling like our whole world has shattered. It's as if everything we believed to be true, suddenly dissolves right before us. We feel lost, abandoned, emotionally off balance...
We may even look back and wonder if any of what we thought was real, ever was.... in some ways it is a death of who we were... We know that we can never again be who we were, and things will never be the same.
It can take a long time to regain our composure, our footing, and to re-orient to the post Tower life that we live in... We may feel jaded after the Tower card has come to visit.
There may be no consoling us, for the loss of the world we used to believe in. Maybe it was real, maybe it wasn't. But we now have to pick up the pieces and find a way to move forward.
It's hard to see the bright side when we are going through our Tower card moments, but when we look back, at the big picture, most likely there was a shift that was needed.
When we take time to process the situation, maybe we will realize it was only an ego death, a death of false beliefs, a death of something we clung to out of fear, but once we have lived through the seeming loss, we inevitably become stronger and more self reliant.
We can't stay innocent forever, and eventually, life will beat us up and leave us for dead. But the good news is, we have survived, and the rest of the hero's journey will be pleasant!!! YAY!!
Stay tuned for the next archetype.....THE STAR⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐