The hero's journey is reaching a pinnacle as we encounter the JUDGEMENT card, the second to last major arcana card. Β 

JUDGEMENT arrives after we have been tested by illusions, after we have shed parts of our ego that were holding us back, and once we have completed the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

It is time to look at our lives with an overview perspective. Β It's time for the Fool to choose consciously how she will move forward, having forgiven the mistakes of the past, counted her lessons, and reflected on the meaning of her journey.

The JUDGEMENT card represents the Fool judging herself, and her world, with the eyes of compassion, and not seeing herself or others for the mistakes we have made, but seeing herself and her world with new eyes.

The Fool realizes that her inner conscience is the one that judges, and rather than be critical, it is liberating to relax her rigid opinions, and allow everything to be as it is, knowing that there is a grander plan being orchestrated, of which she and everyone is a part of. Β There is no good or bad, there is just everyone at different stages of their journey, and all will eventually awaken and arrive at the crowning point of love and acceptance.

The people are rising out of their tombs at the sound of the angel blowing her trumpet, to symbolize that nothing is ever lost, and we all will be reborn again and again, to higher and higher degrees of livingness, in one form or another, forever and ever. Β It is a card of eternal life, because we never stop growing and expanding. Β